středa 5. září 2018

The Ultimate Humans Primer

At this point it’s resoundingly clear that Humans is one of the best decks (if not the best one). Recently I’ve seen a huge amount of sideboard guides, proposed decklists and such. Some of them I agree with, some of them I don’t, so I decided to write my own thoughts. However, I didn’t want this to be just another generic Humans article, so I decided to go really deep into the topic. So get strapped in and get ready for 6 000+ words about everyone’s favorite deck in Modern. This is definitely not an article you want to read in one sitting, instead this should be used, when you're trying to improve and looking for information about how to play or build your deck.

First, I’m going to break down all the possible maindeck and sideboard choice, I’ll try to cover as many cards as possible and talk about reasons why I think they’re good/bad. This should be a guideline for how and when to use these cards. Metagames change, new cards come around, you figure out new things everyday. Honestly my decklist changes basically every week, so feel free to tinker on your own. However, I will post my current recommended decklist at the end of this article. I’ll also share an in-depth sideboard guide, with what I believe to be closest to the stocklist, alongside few words on how to play said matchup. This should give you a general idea on what to do, even if your exact decklist is bit different. I will also provide a brief mulligan guide. I have based all of this on around 250 matches I’ve played with Humans including my stellar 4-10 performance at PT 25th anniversary and years of experience playing Aether Vial tribal decks. Therefore take everything I say with grain of salt.


Your decklist should always start with the following.

4 Ancient Ziggurat

4 Unclaimed Territory

4 Cavern of Souls

4 Horizon Canopy

1 Seachrome Coast
1 Plains

The last land in your deck should be either Island or 2nd Seachrome Coast. The 2nd Seachrome Coast used to be the norm, but I believe my team was the first one to try and play the basic Island at PT Rivals of Ixalan after it was suggested by Oliver Tiu. At first I ruthlessly mocked Oliver, because the idea of playing basic Island in five color deck seemed outrageous to me. After a while I calmed down, listened to Olivers argument and changed my mind. Basically, in preboard games there is only one scenario where the Island has a downside compared to Coast and that’s when you want to keep a one lander with Champion of Parish as your 1 only drop. This usually happens only on 6 or less cards and happened to me only once. It was ironically at the PT and I had a good chuckle as I showed my hand to Oliver. On the other hand the upside for having basic Island are pretty clear - Path to Exile, Blood Moon, Field of Ruin, just to name a few. However there could be some problems in postboard games if you choose to play cards like Gaddock Teeg, Auriok Champion, Selfless Spirit or Anafenza, the Foremost. Right now I don’t consider most of these cards to be good, and I think having the basic Island is very important in the UW matchup, which is one of the best decks in Modern. For now I’m sticking with the Island, but if my list has 3+ copies of the aforementioned cards, I’m going back to Seachrome Coast.

Start a game with Aether Vial, if it’s in your opening hand. There might be some theoretical scenarios, where you want your 3 drop on turn 2 or when you mulligan to 5 and you’re better off just ignoring Vial and trying to race instead. Those won’t come up very often however so just jam the Vial.

The question which one to play between Champion and Noble is much more interesting. The answer is it depends. I think it’s more often correct to play the Noble, because you just lose on couple damage and an extra counter on your Champion, but the extra mana should make your draw more explosive. However there will be some hands where your turn 2 play won’t get much better, if you play Noble. For example when your hand is Champion, Champion and Noble, in this case you would rather play Champion for maximum amount of damage. Basically just try to map out how the next few turns go and you will be fine.

Another 1 mana dork that’s Human. I’ve tried this card for a while and ultimately decided against playing it at the PT. In hindsight I think that was a mistake. Current Modern is full of explosive or non interactive decks (Humans, Hollow One, KCI, Tron) where you value speed over basically everything. Pilgrim is much much worse than Noble, I wouldn’t play more than one copy and would side it out very often, but I think it deserves a space in the maindeck right now.

Andrea Mengucci had this card in his maindeck at PT Rivals, because he wanted an extra 1 drop. I haven’t seen anyone to play this card since so I’d assume it’s not very good even though I haven’t tried it for myself.

Jeff Cunningham recently mentioned this card in his excellent piece about Modern at SCG. Honestly I have no idea, if it’s good or bad and it is a card I’m excited to try in the future. It seems medium to me on the paper, but Jeff is a great deckbuilder, so I’m willing to give it a try.

Always play 4 Thalia’s Lieutenant. Don’t forget that if you Vial in a creature in response to Lieutenant's trigger both creatures get a counter.  Let’s break down the other 2-drop options.

I’ve been going back and forth between playing 3 and 4 copies. I came to the conclusion that 3 is correct, because drawing 2 is too big of a downside in some matchups. On the other hand in some matchups your opponents will try their best to get rid of Thalia (UW, Jeskai, Storm, KCI). In that case you can use an otherwise excess copy, so there is some merit to having the 4th copy in the sideboard if the metagame changes.

Honestly I was floored to see Thiago Saporito play only 3 copies of this card. In my mind this is a clear 4-of and one of the best things about this deck. It just does so much! Do you need to put on more pressure? Copy Thalia’s Lieutenant! Board is clogged and you need to fly over? Copy Mantis Rider! Need to disrupt KCI more? Copy Meddling Mage! Your opponent beating down with Gurmag Angler? Copy Gurmag Angler! Obviously it’s not all rainbows and unicorns, sometimes you won’t be able to cast it. Sometimes you draw multiple copies, your opponent kills your only other creature and you die with bunch of useless Clones in your hand. Still I think the benefits heavily outweigh the risks, so I’ll be sticking to 4 copies. Be aware that this card is hard to cast so be mindful what you’re naming with your Caverns and Territories.

2 of the most disruptive elements of this Humans deck. Usually you want to max out on both, but sometimes you can cut one of them. I’ve seen people cut the Mage, but I think I prefer to get rid of one Freebooter. Sure flying and free information is nice, but Mage beats harder against decks with fewer creatures. Also I find his ability more relevant against decks like KCI, Tron or even the control decks. Meddling Mage is also obviously much better against other creature decks (with the exception of the mirror match). Both of these cards are kind of complicated to play with and they add a lot of depth to this deck. I’ll add a Meddling Mage naming guide as a part of the extensive sideboard guide. However don’t follow it to a tee, if you have information about your opponent’s hand it’s better to name known cards over more powerful unknown cards. As for Freebooter one cute trick is to use your Vial in drawstep to nab potentially dangerous sorcery spells.

This used to be the 2 drop of choice in the early iterations of the deck. However as soon as Sam Pardee popularized the Phantasmal Image it rapidly stopped seeing play. Recently I’ve heard some rumours about more streamlined Bant version eschewing Kitesail Freebooter and different manabase that would allow you to play strong white sideboard spells (RIP, Stony). I’ve yet to try this, it does sounds kind of promising, I’m bit skeptical about casting Mantis Rider, if you’re playing Razorverge Thicket though.

Speaking of the big bad boy, this might actually be my favourite card in Magic and huge reason why is this deck so potent. I rarely side this card out and whenever I do I’m likely making a mistake.  Play 4. Period.

This used to be a slam dunk 4-of in the past. At PT Rivals I’d laugh you out of the room if you told me you were playing less than 4. This PT however I played only 2 in my maindeck. What gives? Well, if we look at the metagames, the top 5 most played decks at PT Rivals - Humans, Burn, Affinity, Tron and Death’s Shadow. Mage is clearly good against 4 decks relying on creatures. At the last PT the 5 most played decks are Humans, UW, KCI, Tron and Hollow One. While Mage is great against Hollow One, good in the mirror, it’s just a ⅔ for 3 most of the time against the other 3. It might be crazy to play only 2, but I think it’s even more crazy to play 4. Modern is ever changing format so I expect the Mage to pull of a comeback, but for now there is new bad boy on the block.

I was very skeptical of this card at first. Like Cedric Phillips claims I thought it would be too slow and bad in this format. However after playing with it a bit it’s pretty clear this card pulls its weight. 3 mana is a lot, but this effect is strong in a deck with so many hatebears. I had 4 in my main deck at the PT, which looking back I think may have been a mistake. Modern is crazy fast format after all. Still I’m convinced you want to have access to 2 and potentially more in sideboard.

These 2 cards play a similar role. They both essentially take away 1 turn from your opponent. Thalia preemptively slowing your opponent down, while Malcontents usually ends the game with their CIP ability. I think both of these cards are pretty good in this metagame, Thalia has been picking some steam lately and deservedly so. I have seen a lot of people hating online on Malcontents and I think those people just didn’t play much with the card. It looks awful at first sight, it did to me at least, but after I tried it out and I’ve been amazed at how good it actually is. I originally wanted to play 2 copies of Malcontents at the PT and I chose not to in order to facilitate 4 copies of Bugler, which is something I regret. Honestly both of these cards are fine and I’d suggest running a copy or two if you feel like needing extra three drop.

Randomly suggested to me by Steve Rubin couple hours before deck submission at PT Rivals as a one of sideboard card  this card risen up on popularity back when Kenji Tsumura had 2 copies in his MOCS winning decklist. Lately I’ve been down on Resto, Bugler kind of takes its role of being solid value creature and you can’t really afford to play too many expensive cards.


There is a lot of options in here. I’m going to start from the most obvious cards, the ones I think should be included in every sideboard and end up with the most obscure cards, but will try to cover almost every possibility.

I think 2-3 copies should be the norm, now that Bugler is out you don’t really need to have 4. At the PT I had 3, but I’m leaning towards 2 now.

I could see copy 3 through 4 in my sideboard It’s mostly against the same decks as Sin Collector. ⅔ actually is relevant body against a lot of Modern decks and chaining this with Phantasmal Image is the best way to out grind decks like Mardu Pyromancer.

I like having an extra copy of this in your sideboard, if you're not already playing 4 maindeck, because it’s your best card in some matchups.

One of the best sideboard card for the mirror, it’s impressive how much work can this card pull off, especially when on the play. Wouldn’t leave my home without 2 copies of this in my sideboard.

Similar cards, but Sage lately gets the nod. I’m honestly not sure it’s correct as there isn’t many enchantments you want to kill - Boggles seem to be on a downswing, Blood Moon isn’t that big of a deal as people make it out to be and there is Worship from Spirits as the only other enchantment I can think of. If Ensnaring Bridge becomes even more popular in Mardu I can see Reclamation Sage getting better, because then you can hedge versus Blood Moon. I still don’t think the upside of Renegade (extra power/toughness and being Human) is enough to offset the importance of being able to kill an enchantment, but we might be getting there sooner rather than later..

Similar cards, Prowler has an upside of having synergy with Bugler, but I still think Gutshot being free is more important.

I prefer having 2 phyrexian spells otherwise the life loss can get too much. At the PT I had split and I was pretty happy with that. Gut Shot is better in the mirror and other Noble Hierarch decks, while Dismember is better against decks like Spirits, Hollow One and Jund/Abzan. The split changes a lot depending on your metagame.

I’ve had mixed experience with this card. Everyone keeps telling me how good it is and it does seem great in theory, but I’ve just had too many games where it’s 1/1 for 2 that doesn’t accomplish much on the board. I didn’t play it at the PT, which I think may have been a mistake with the recent uptick in Vengevine decks. My problem with it is that there are some matchups where it’s supposed to be good like Mardu Pyromancer or Death’s Shadow, but Mardu blanks it with Lingering Souls and DS can block it with Snapcaster. I’m still torn, but I’m willing to give this card another chance. The one thing I like about this card is that you can bring it in the mirror, which is awesome, because there is so many dead cards in that matchup.

This is a very versatile card, but bit low on the power level. There will be games, where it will do a lot for you, but sometimes it’s just 2/1 for 1. Good vs Mardu, Jeskai, UW, Burn, Jund, Abzan, and Dredge. That’s a lot of decks so it has spot in my sideboard for now.

I had this as a one of at the PT and the only time I drew it my lands were 2 Ancient Ziggurats so I couldn’t even cast it. Still I think if your metagame is heavy on Tron and combo deck this is worth including.

Very narrow card, but servicable as a one off.

As with Resto the problem with this is that it costs 4. I liked it back when Lantern was more popular and you could take away Ensnaring Bridge, but I dislike it now.

I have problems with cards like these, because it’s so hard to cast. However, Gaddock is nice in this metagame, because it’s good against KCI, UW and Tron, even though all these decks are prepared to interact with a 2/2, it’s still a nuisance. Personally I’m not a huge fan, but it’s been finding its way to a lot of sideboards so I have to give it some respect..

Similar card to Gaddock. Easier to cast, but it is slightly worse. Has an upside of being solid in the mirror.

I had this as a last minute addition at the PT, because I was worried about KCI being overly popular. Kambal is dope against them, because it doesn’t die to EE for 2. On the other hand, I think it’s bit too narrow, even though you bring it in against control, it’s not that great anyway.

I’ve seen this pop up from time to time and it’s a bit puzzling to me, super hard to cast and seems way worse to me than Reclamation Sage.

I don’t have much experience with this, but with Humans being on top of Modern and Spirits (hopefully) joining them up there, I could see this being a one-off in your sideboard.

This one I just chalk up to Steve Rubin being crazy, He did somehow con multiple people into putting this in their decks, but he won't fool me.

There are metagames where this will be good, but not this one.

Same goes for this one.

Think this card may have been solid before UW started playing Terminus as their wrath of choice, now I’d stay away from it.

I don’t think the current manabase can support these, but like I mentioned I’d look into the Mayor of Avabruck build, because these cards are absurdly powerful.

I’ve seen this card pop up in the sideboards and it’s another one of those I simply don’t understand. The effect isn’t even very strong in current Modern, so please stay away from this.

Someone had this in their Humans sideboard at the PT and I just can’t wrap my head around it.

Mulligan guide


Assuming you don’t know what your opponent is playing as you sit down I ship every hand without one drop on the draw. On the play there are some hands I could see keeping. Ones that combine disruption (ideally Thalia) and fast clock (Mantis Rider or double Lieutenant). I think even those keeps are close though so you might be better of just shiping everything. Hands with 4 lands are also mulligan unless you have double Canopy + strong start (Champion into 2 drop or Noble into Mantis). This deck floods out a lot and can easily win from mulligan to 5, so don’t be afraid to take a trip to Paris (or Vancouver). As for one landers, I like keeping almost all of the Vial ones. Some hands with Noble are keepable on the draw (if you have three 1 drops for example), but I would send most of them back.


Things get more complicated here, but once you know what your opponent is playing you are more likely to keep a hand with no 1 drop. Against UW for example I’m fine with having a strong hand with 2 drops, because the games go long. As has been the case with modern magic, the postboard games slow down anyway so feel free to keep more loose hands.


4 Ancient Ziggurat
4 Cavern of Souls
4 Champion of the Parish
4 Horizon Canopy
4 Kitesail Freebooter
4 Mantis Rider
3 Militia Bugler
4 Noble Hierarch
4 Phantasmal Image
4 Aether Vial
3 Reflector Mage
2 Seachrome Coast
4 Thalia's Lieutenant
4 Unclaimed Territory
3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
4 Meddling Mage
1 Plains


2 Reclamation Sage
1 Kataki, War's Wage
2 Gaddock Teeg
2 Sin Collector
1 Dismember
2 Auriok Champion
1 Damping Sphere
2 Izzet Staticaster
1 Reflector Mage
1 Gut Shot

Sideboard Guide

Vs Humans


3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
4 Meddling Mage


2 Auriok Champion
1 Gut Shot
1 Dismember
2 Izzet Staticaster
1 Reflector Mage

Some people hate mirror matches, I love them, I feel like this is the one matchup where you truly get to outplay people as you’re playing with the same cards. There are basically three types of games in the mirror - you shit on them, they shit on you, the board stalls out and who draws more fliers wins. Sounds simple enough, but there is still bunch of close games where you race a lot and player who is better at combat comes out on top. I’ve seen a lot of debates on sideboarding, I think it’s pretty clear that Freebooter is more important than Meddling Mage. The bodies on the cards are largely irrelevant, so we have to compare the abilities. Mages ability ranges from useful (you have Vial, they don’t) to literally doing nothing. On the other hand you’re not expecting Freebooter to steal cards from your opponent, although when it happens it’s quite a blowout. Flying on the other hand is super important and once you cast your second Thalia’s Lieutenant, good old Freebootz is ready to hustle with big Mantis and that’s nothing to scoff at. When playing the mirror, try to be mindful that your opponent has access to Phantasmal Image and in postboard games to Izzet Staticaster.

Meddling Mage guide (MMG) - I will be talking about naming cards in the dark. Obviously if you have Freebooter or bounced a creature with Reflector Mage use that information to make more informed decision.

Like I said this is a weird one. If you have Vial you usually try to name something that’s bothersome, which is most likely Mantis Rider or Thalia’s Lieutenant. When you don’t have a Vial I’d be very careful with this card, unless it’s obvious that you lose to one of the aforementioned cards. Sometimes it’s correct to name a fringe card your opponent might be playing, but you’re not (Riders of Gavony, Thalia, Heretic Cathar, Kessig Malcontents etc.)

Vs UW Control


3 Reflector Mage
2 Noble Hierarch


2 Gaddock Teeg
1 Dismember
2 Sin Collector

Feels like there is a huge divide in the Magic community about who is favorite in this matchup. Unsurprisingly, I think it’s Humans as I’ve yet to lose to UW, but realistically I think this matchup is going to be dead even. I do believe it is extremely skill intensive with interesting decisions on both sides of the board. The gameplay is as any other of aggro vs control, try to put on enough pressure, but still try and play around sweepers. Humans is bit different as sweepers can be locked with Meddling Mage/Gaddock Teeg and you have better information with Freebooter so sometimes the games get easier. One thing to look out for is attacking with your Meddling Mage into potential Snapcaster Mage, sometimes it’s just too important to save your 2/2 and the damage might not be worth it. As for sideboarding, I’ve seen a lot of people cutting Phantasmal Image, which seems horrendous to me. Your 2 best cards are Freebooter and Meddling Mage and you want as many copies of those as you can get your hands on. Also almost no one seems to be cutting Nobles, which is dubious against deck that’s forced to Path your creatures early on. Dismember gets brought in as an answer to Lyra/Baneslayer/Colonnade.


I like to name Path with an early Mage and then name Terminus, if the game goes longer. Another solid cards to name are Supreme Verdict, Snapcaster Mage and Teferi, Hero of Dominaria.

Vs Tron

3 Militia Bugler
2 Reflector Mage


2 Reclamation Sage
1 Damping Sphere
2 Gaddock Teeg

I like keeping in 1-2 Reflector Mage in this matchup to keep Wurmcoil in check. However, there are still games, where you just fly over, so you don’t have to overboard trying to have an answer.. I heard a lot of people claiming this is a bad matchup for Humans, but I also believe this one to be close to 50/50. My advice in this matchup is to be as aggressive as possible and don’t worry much about playing around their possible sweepers, if they have it, they have it and sandbagging your creatures won’t help you win post-sweeper anyway.


Oblivion Stone first, Ugin second. Then it gets close, but good cards to name are Walking Ballista or Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger.

Vs Hollow One


4 Kitesail Freebooter


1 Dismember
2 Auriok Champion
1 Reflector Mage

Freebooter doesn’t block or attack very well so it gets the boot. This matchup is mostly about racing, so die roll is huge. Reflector Mage is your best card. Bugler is medium in game 1, but postboard the games slow down. They get more removal and Grim Lavamancer and the extra ⅔ body is actually quite big.


Very board dependant - if you think you can race them with what you have name Lightning Bolt, if you need to stop a creature name Hollow One or Gurmag Angler (depending if this is pre or post their big cantrip turn). If the game gets into a lull I like naming Faithless Looting, as that’s their most powerful card.



3 Reflector Mage
3 Militia Bugler


1 Kataki, War’s Wage
2 Reclamation Sage
1 Damping Sphere
2 Gaddock Teeg

Another very close matchup. Game 1 you’re a decent favorite, but postboard the games get super hard as they bring in more answers for your disruptive threats. This is one of the matchups, where I could see cutting a Mantis Rider or two on the draw. Bugler isn’t the worst, because you have a lot of 2 drop hatebears they just can’t beat without answering them first.


KCI, followed up by Engineered Explosives. Then it gets muddier, because there is a lot of variation, but it’s probably Bolt, Pyrite Spellbomb or Scrap Trawler. I dislike naming the same thing twice unless you have like 5 Meddling Mages, because they can just kill the one one EE with spot removal and blow all the other up.

Vs Vengevine

4 Kitesail Freebooter

1 Dismember
2 Auriok Champion
1 Reflector Mage

On the play I also think you want 2 Izzet Staticaster over 2 Meddling Mage. Getting two Staticasters into play isn’t that hard and is usually a game winning play. On the draw, I think it’s too slow however. This matchup is a strange affair, as all the other decks you will lose to the busted draws. On the other hand Humans are decent at clogging up the ground and finishing the game with Mantis Rider, which is the way to victory in this matchup.


You usually get to land Meddling Mage after all the cool stuff happened, so I like naming Gravecrawler to stop more of the shenanigans. Faithless Looting is also a respectable card to name and sometimes you want to go for Greater Gargadon, but that’s simple to figure out.

Vs UR Storm


3 Reflector Mage
2 Mantis Rider
1 Militia Bugler


2 Gaddock Teeg
1 Dismember
2 Sin Collector
1 Damping Sphere

This is a tough matchup to sideboard against. I think you’re a big favorite in game 1, but that changes for game 2. The sideboard plan Ultimate Guard/Genesis (lots of removal + Grim Lavamancer) came up with is very potent vs Humans and I’m not sure what’s the best way to defend yourself against it. It’s certainly possible you don’t even want Damping Sphere and rather keep in more Reflector Mage to try and deal with Grim Lavamancer. I like Bugler postboard here even though it’s too slow in the first game. The games go much longer and the extra body + utility is big.


Game 1 it’s usually Grapeshot. Even though they usually have an answer they still have to draw it. Postboard I like naming Gifts Ungiven, Past in Flames or some spot removal like Lightning Bolt.

Vs Mardu Pyromancer


2 Aether Vial
3 Reflector Mage
1 Thalia’s Lieutenant


2 Auriok Champion
2 Izzet Staticaster
2 Sin Collector

Keeping 2 Aether Vial as a protection versus Blood Moon, even though I’m almost certain that the card shouldn’t be in their deck postboard. If they do have it though and you see Ensnaring Bridge as well I’d recommend bringing in some Reclamation Sage. You can cut extra Lieutenant and even 1 Mantis Rider. I’ve seen people keeping in Reflector Mage as an answer to Young Pyromancer and Bedlam Reveler, but that logic seems flawed to me. You don’t want to be bouncing Reveler and Young Peezy isn’t that big a problem anyway. Sure, sometimes they play it, follow it up with 4 spells and win the game, but you are losing those games most of the time anyway. This is the one matchup where Bugler truly shines as ⅔ is actually an amazing body and chaining Buglers is the best thing you can do.


Early on go after Lightning Bolt, later on go for Bedlam Reveler. As with other Faithless Looting, if the game goes longer and their flashback spell is still in the graveyard, name that.

Vs Burn


3 Militia Bugler
1 Phantasmal Image

2 Auriok Champion
2 Sin Collector

Another matchup where I’ve seen a lot of people bring out multiple copies of Phantasmal Image. I, on the other hand, like having the option to copy Auriok Champion to straight up win the game or Thalia’s Lieutenant to swing the race in your favor. Still there are some games, where drawing multiple Images could be a downside, so one gets the cut. If you see Ensnaring Bridge postboard, I recommend bringing in Reclamation Sage for game 3. Bridge is still beatable, if you stick multiple copies of Auriok Champion and then stop their spells with Meddling Mage or bounce a creature with Reflector Mage.


Searing Blaze on turn 2, Lightning Bolt in the later stages of the game and Rift Bolt if it’s suspended.

Vs Bant Spirits/UW Spirits


3 Militia Bugler
4 Meddling Mage


1 Dismember
1 Gut Shot
2 Izzet Staticaster
2 Reclamation Sage

My new favorite deck. I think this matchup is pretty tough for Humans. It’s a tempo matchup, but they can block and you basically can’t. Bugler is too slow and Meddling Mage too irrelevant. I think you have to bring in Reclamation Sage, if people start copying the version I played at the GP. Being able to kill both Vial and Worship makes it playable. Like I said this is all about racing, your best cards are Champion of the Parish and Thalia’s Lieutenant. Die roll is very important.


Path to Exile and Collected Company are your best targets, but there are games where you will want to name one of the Lords.

Vs Grixis Death’s Shadow


2 Kitesail Freebooter
2 Thalia’s Lieutenant


2 Auriok Champion
1 Dismember
1 Reflector Mage

This is a pretty favourable matchup, if you manage to draw Reflector Mage, so please do that. I used to cut Aether Vial in this matchup, but I came around on it. Drawing 2 is liability, but the way the games go, having one is very important. The intricate dance of not dealing them too much damage so their Shadow isn’t huge is tough. Try to play around Temur Battle Rage, if you can, but don’t just mindlessly throw away creatures until you die.


I like going after the creatures here. Death’s Shadow, Gurmag or if it’s obvious they don’t have those, Snapcaster Mage.

Vs Affinity


3 Militia Bugler
3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
2 Meddling Mage


2 Reclamation Sage
1 Kataki, War’s Wage
1 Dismember
2 Izzet Staticaster
1 Reflector Mage
1 Gut Shot

Another close matchup. I think Freebooter is better than Thalia or Meddling Mage, because it blocks well and the ability can be relevant. One cute trick is copying Etched Champion with Phantasmal Image, which lets you block and kill it.


Cranial Plating or Master of Etherium

Vs Jeskai Control


3 Reflector Mage
2 Noble Hierarch


2 Gaddock Teeg
1 Dismember
2 Sin Collector

I think this is the worst matchup for our deck. The red spot removal makes it a nightmare compared to UW. All the things said about UW apply here, so feel free to scroll up.


Lightning Bolt or Snapcaster Mage. Compared to UW, Jeskai usually runs 4 Snapcasters, so you will want to name it quite often.

Vs Jund/Abzan


2 Aether Vial


1 Dismember
1 Reflector Mage

You would ideally like to bring out all Vials, but you don’t have enough cards to bring in. I believe this matchup to be pretty decent. Thalia is a huge beating, so is Reflector Mage and your deck just curves out much better than theirs. Another matchup where Bugler shines, because it makes it less likely you will run out of gas.


Lightning Bolt (Fatal Push vs Abzan), Liliana of the Veil or Bloodbraid Elf.

Vs Hardened Scales


3 Militia Bugler
2 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben


2 Reclamation Sage
1 Kataki, War’s Wage
1 Reflector Mage
1 Dismember

This deck is on a rise and I think it’s mostly thanks to its good matchup vs Humans. If it becomes more popular, I think we will have to start tuning our sideboards to have a better chance, but I don’t think we’re there yet.


Walking Ballista or Arcbound Ravager.

Vs Infect


3 Militia Bugler
2 Thalia’s Lieutenant


1 Dismember
1 Gut Shot
2 Izzet Staticaster
1 Reflector Mage

Blighted Agent is their best card, but you should be fine otherwise. You have some interaction between Freebooter, Reflector Mage and Meddling Mage. Thalia is also great at delaying them. Having flying blockers to stop Inkmoth Nexus is also big. Postboard you improve much more than they do.


Blighted Agent, if it’s not in play yet. Vines of Vastwood, if you want to stop protection, Groundswell, Become Immense or Might of Old Krosa, if you don’t want to die next turn.

Vs GW Hexproof


3 Militia Bugler


2 Reclamation Sage
1 Reflector Mage

Reflector might seem bad, but you want to have an answer to Kor Spiritdancer. Not a great matchup, if they have a great draw, there isn’t much you can do. Postboard you improve slightly, drawing a Sage and copying it multiple times is a way to victory.


Daybreak Coronet with the first one, if you have multiple Path to Exile or Spirit Mantle are good names.

Vs Dredge


3 Militia Bugler


2 Gaddock Teeg
1 Sin Collector

Poor matchup, because Conflagrate is OP. We don’t have much in sideboard, it’s unclear to me how good Sin Collector is, but on the play you probably want 2 copies. Like I said Conflagrate is a big problem, but them chaining Stinkweed Imp as a block is also a problem, so Reflector Mage is better than it seems.


Conflagrate, Stinkweed Imp, Life from the Loam. You usually have lots of information, because they are playing “face up”, so make a decision based on what’s in their graveyard.

Vs Titan Shift


1 Militia Bugler
3 Reflector Mage


2 Gaddock Teeg
2 Sin Collector

This is a close one, but I think we’re slight favourites. Similar to Tron as you want to maximize your pressure, while applying some disruption. As for sweepers I think it’s foolish to try and name them with Meddling Mage, because they usually have a split between Anger of the Gods, Sweltering Suns and Slagstorm.


Primeval Titan, Scapeshift or Search for Tomorrow

Vs Living End


2 Reflector Mage


2 Sin Collector

Reflector Mage isn’t horrible here, but I think all the other cards are better. They’re not that fast, so you have time to dig for a hatebear with Bugler. Overall I think this matchup is pretty easy, but I haven’t seen this deck in a while. The last time I played against it I tried to bring in Damping Sphere to slow them down a turn, but I think that’s just wrong.


99% of time Living End with every single Mage you have, 1% sweeper, they showed you game 2.

Vs Ad Nauseam


3 Reflector Mage
3 Militia Bugler

2 Sin Collector
2 Gaddock Teeg
2 Reclamation Sage

Another deck I haven’t seen in ages, mostly because of how poor this matchup is for them. If you face this, collect your free win and move on with your life.


Ad Nauseam most of the time, but sometimes you want to go for Angel’s Grace or Phyrexian Unlife. Postboard they might have a sweeper (Bontu’s Last Reckoning, Supreme Verdict and Settle the Wreckage) or Echoing Truth.

Vs Collected Company


3 Militia Bugler
3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
1 Kitesail Freebooter


1 Gut Shot
1 Dismember
2 Izzet Staticaster
2 Gaddock Teeg
1 Reflector Mage

These are all the Devoted Druid + Vizier of Remedies decks. This is pretty straightforward, try to stop them from assembling the combo and you should be the better aggro deck. Postboard things get little easier, because you bring in a lot more answers.


Devoted Druid when the board is empty, Collected Company, Chord of Calling or Vizier of Remedies when it isn’t.

To finish this incredibly long piece, here is the decklist I’d recommend, if I was playing Humans next week.

4 Ancient Ziggurat
4 Cavern of Souls
4 Champion of the Parish
4 Horizon Canopy
3 Kitesail Freebooter
4 Mantis Rider
2 Militia Bugler
4 Noble Hierarch
4 Phantasmal Image
4 Aether Vial
3 Reflector Mage
1 Seachrome Coast
4 Thalia's Lieutenant
4 Unclaimed Territory
1 Island
3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
4 Meddling Mage
1 Plains
1 Avacyn's Pilgrim
1 Kessig Malcontents

2 Reclamation Sage
1 Kataki, War's Wage
2 Dire Fleet Daredevil
2 Sin Collector
2 Dismember
2 Militia Bugler
1 Damping Sphere
2 Izzet Staticaster
1 Reflector Mage

Thanks for reading, hope you learned something and have fun playing Humans!

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